

DATE : 2017/3/14
Hello from Cambridge,

On Saturday afternoon, we arrived safely in London. The flight was long but everyone settled in quickly and watched some movies, played some games, or in some cases, spent the whole flight studying English and making vocabulary cards. Immigration took much longer than usual, but we managed to get out of the airport without any problems.

We arrived at the Kaetsu Centre at around 5:30 and were met by Peter. After a quick introduction, students quickly checked out their rooms and started settling in. At 7pm there was a lovely meal prepared by Kazuko, and although everyone was a little tired from the flight, they were clearly in good spirits. 
On Sunday morning, we walked into Cambridge. Students separated into 4 groups and set off on an orienteering challenge. They had to find different locations around Cambridge. Luckily, the rain managed to hold off until everyone had finished this activity.

In the afternoon, we went to Fitzwilliam Museum.I was impressed with how much attention everyone was paying to the artworks and also building, which itself is amazing. After this, students had free time to explore Cambridge by themselves. 

Each evening, students are writing a short diary of the day’s events, and of course, on Sunday night, most students wrote that they were a little worried about Monday morning’s test. Good luck everyone.
※3月11日土曜日の午後に無事ロンドンに到着しました。長いフライトでしたが、映画を見たりゲームをしたりして楽しく過ごせました。17:30頃にはかえつケンブリッジセンターに着き、簡単な説明等の後素敵な夕食をいただきました。疲れはあるもののみんな元気そうです。日曜の午前中には4つのグループに分かれて、ケンブリッジ市内のオリエンテーリングをしました。また、午後にはフィッツウィリアム美術館を訪れましたが生徒たちはとても興味を持って 楽しみました。夜には、その日にあったことについて日記をつけることにしています。日曜の夜に多くの生徒が書いていたのは、翌日の朝に控える実力テストのことでした。実力を出し切って頑張りましょう!
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