This first week has gone really well. Everyone is having a great time and I think that all the jet-lag has gone at this point.
We had some summer-like weather on Wednesday, showing why it is quite a challenge to pack clothes for England – I wished I had packed some shorts 🙂
On Thursday, we all walked through the gates of King’s College and went inside King’s College Chapel to take part in Evensong. The inside of King’s Chapel is quite amazing with so much detail in every element of its architecture. The students enjoyed the choir’s beautiful voices and got to appreciate quite a unique experience.
On Friday, after morning classes at Bell, we visited Cambridge International School, CIS. Students split into two groups and one group gave a presentation on unique Japanese toys while the other hosted a quiz about Japan. The presentations were really successful and the CIS students were engaged throughout. After the presentations, our students and the CIS students enjoyed some traditional scones and clotted cream together. Then they disappeared to play some basketball and soccer.
On Saturday, students will be taken off to their homestays. A few are a little nervous, but I think they are mostly excited.
※充実の1週目が終わりを迎えました。水曜日は夏のような天気でした。イングランドへ行くときには持っていく服選びが難しいと言いますが、それを実感しました。木曜にはキングスカレッジを訪れ、チャペルでの夕べの祈りにも参加できました。チャペルはその作りも圧巻でしたし、また、コーラスを聞けたのも貴重な経験になりました。金曜は午前の授業を終えた後、ケンブリッジ・インターナショナルスクール(CIS)を訪れました。2つのグループに分かれ、1つのグループは日本のおもちゃについてプレゼンをして、もう1つのグループは日本についてのクイズをしました。CISの学生たちはとても喜んでくれました。その後、かえつの生徒たちとCISの生徒たちは、伝統のscones and clotted cream(スコーンとクロテッドクリーム) を一緒に楽しみ、その後はみんなでスポーツをしに行きました!日曜にはいよいよホームステイ先に向かいます。