
【高1新クラス】 ケンブリッジ研修②

DATE : 2017/5/20
After only a few short days, the students are already settled into their classes and their homestays. Everyone is enjoying their time here and taking the chance to explore the area a little. Cambridge is famous for having many parks and open areas, and many students are taking the chance to meet up and head to the areas near their homestays to play and sometimes interact with other students playing in the area.
In the lessons, students are being interactive and preparing mini-presentations on various topics and working on their teamwork and collaboration skills. Over the next two week, students also have to put together a short documentary video about a famous site in Cambridge, and they got a chance to talk about their ideas and their plans with their teachers on Tuesday morning. The final result should be very interesting.
After classes on Tuesday, many students took the chance to relax with some bowling. They then had dinner in the area before heading back to their homestays. On Wednesday, unfortunately, the English rain had decided to join us again. Even so, all the students arrived at Bell extra early to take a bus ride to a Coca-Cola factory. 
The factory was a good experience and I hope the students were able to take away a better understanding of what goes into making a product. Students had a mini lesson about the company, then they got into groups and had to design their own drink, along with target market and marketing plan. There were some interesting ideas, but in the end, ‘Super Apple’ was the one most liked by the Coca-Cola representative.
When we got back to Cambridge city centre, students were free to make their own schedule. Most took the chance to do some exploring, others enjoyed a little (or a lot) of shopping – I hope they didn’t spend too much! 
Coming up, we have a few more trips, including Wimpole Farm, Grantchester (although this may be canceled because of rain), and Brighton – a beautiful seaside resort on the south coast and also a great place to eat fish and chips!
生徒たちは数日間の滞在でこちらでのクラスやホームステイに慣れて、ここでの時間を楽しんでいます。授業では、他の生徒と協働しながらミニプレゼンをしたりしていますが、これから2週間をかけてケンブリッジ内の有名な場所についてのドキュメンタリービデオの製作もします。火曜の午前中には、彼らのアイデアや計画について先生たちと話しましたが、できあがりがとても楽しみです。火曜の授業後には多くの生徒がボーリングに出かけ、リラックスした時間を過ごしました。水曜はまたしても雨… それでも生徒たちはBell Schoolに早々に集まり、コカコーラ工場へと出かけました。ここでは、会社についてのミニレッスンを受けたり、グループに分かれて、目標市場やマーケティングプランを考えながら独自の飲み物を考えました。いくつかおもしろいアイデアが出ましたが、最終的にコカコーラの方に最も気に入っていただいたのは「super Apple」というものでした。ケンブリッジの街中に戻った後には自由時間があり、街の探索をしたり、買い物をしたりして過ごしていました。今後もWimpole FarmやGrantchesterやBrightonなどへ出かける予定です。Brightonは海沿いのリゾート地で、イギリス名物のfish and chipsも楽しみです。
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