
【高1新クラス】 ケンブリッジ研修③

DATE : 2017/5/20
After the weather yesterday, it was nice to see the sun again today. We started off the morning by gathering in the Bell school to have a quick reflection on what we have done so far, and talk again about the trip in general and make sure that everyone is doing their best to get the most out of this experience.
After that, we had a lecture from a researcher at Cambridge University, who introduced the students to ‘Curvy Graphs and Donut Worlds’. The lecture was challenging, but they got to see the passion behind what gets someone into Cambridge. The students also got to practice some of the notetaking skills they had learned in the week. I was very impressed with the interest the students took in the material.
In the afternoon, we took a bus to Wimpole farm. Wimpole farm is a national trust site about 20 minutes from Cambridge. It has a beautiful manor house, stunning grounds, and a working farm. The weather stayed nice for us and the students (and teachers) were able to enjoy both the history and the scenery of the place. Walking around the house gives you a real sense of what life was once like, and it’s really nice to be able to get so close to all the paintings, books, furniture, and other aspects of the house.
At the end of the day, rain started falling again, but hopefully, this is because it wanted to start early so it can finish by tomorrow afternoon. If all is well, tomorrow we’ll get to try some scones and clotted cream with some nice English teas!
昨日の天気とは打って変わって、5日目は晴れて気持ちのいい一日でした。朝はBell schoolでこれまでの研修の振り返りをして、改めてこの経験を最大限いかせるようにしようということを確認しました。その後ケンブリッジ大学の研究員の方からレクチャーを受けました。テーマはやや難しいものでしたが、ケンブリッジ大学の研究員の方の持つ情熱に触れることができました。午後には、Wimpole farmへバスで出かけました。ここには農場やマナーハウスがあり、生徒たちはその土地の歴史や景色を堪能しました。マナーハウス周辺を歩いているとかつての生活がどのようなものだったのかが感じられ、絵画や本、家具なども近くで鑑賞できました。夜にはまた雨が降り始めました。明日の午後までには止むといいのですが… 明日はうまくいけば、クロテッドクリームを載せたスコーンやイングリッシュティーを楽しもうと思います。
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