
【高1新クラス】 ケンブリッジ研修④ Grantchester and Brighton

DATE : 2017/5/22
After orienteering around Cambridge, getting to know host families, taking English lessons, having a university lecture, joining a company workshop, and visiting a national trust site, we have come to the end of the first week, but it’s not over yet!
After the morning classes on Friday, we took a short bus ride to Grantchester. As we said in the previous post, we weren’t sure if this was going to happen because of the weather. Well, it seems that England/ the weather has decided to like us. 
Grantchester is a famous apple orchard, and in fact, the town is currently the location of a TV drama. It is a beautiful place to sit outside and enjoy some traditional English scones and tea. We started off inside, but as we settled in, the rain stopped for us, giving the students time to head outside, go to the river, walk around the town and sit out and enjoy the area as it should be enjoyed – quietly reading a good book.
On Saturday, we were worried about rain again, but our luck continued as there ended up being wonderful sunshine all day. Brighton is an interesting place. It is a seaside resort, with a famous pier, a theme park, lots of cute little shops, and of course, some of the best fish and chips around. 
But Brighton also has a lot of history. Probably the most striking example of this is the Royal Pavilion. The Pavilion was the home of King George IV. The outside looks Indian, but the inside is more oriental, with dragons and bamboo making up a large part of the decorations. 
Queen Victoria, though, didn’t like the Pavilion and it was sold to Brighton city in the mid-1800s. The city used it for events and meetings. During the First World War, the Pavilion was used as a hospital for the Indian army.
After lots of tradition and history (as well as some relaxing and fun), Sunday was a free day for the students, and time to get on with their other projects. The weather today was the best we’ve had, and even though last week the forecast said it would rain every day next week, fortune has been kind and the new forecast says over 22C and sunny every day! Of course, if there’s one thing we have learned while we have been here – you can’t trust the weather forecast!
ケンブリッジでのオリエンテーリングやホストファミリーとの出会いから始まり、英語のレッスンや大学での講義、企業でのワークショップやナショナルトラストサイト訪問など、本当に盛りだくさんの1週目がようやく終わりに近づいています。金曜の午前中はGrantchesterを訪れました。前回の投稿にもあったように、天気次第では行けないかも!という状況でしたが、結果的にイングランドの天気は私たちの味方になってくれたようです。Grantchesterは有名なりんご園でちょうど今テレビドラマの撮影で使われています。アウトドアでスコーンやイングリッシュティーを楽しめるような場所です。雨がやんでくれて、屋外で自然を楽しんだりして過ごしました。土曜にはまた雨の心配がありましたが、素晴らしい天気の中Brightonを訪れました。有名な桟橋やテーマパーク、かわいらしいお店、そして最高のフィシュ・アンド・チップスが食べられる場所です。また、ここは歴史的な一面もあり、最も印象的なのはRoyal Pavilionでしょうか。ジョージ4世が住んでいた場所で、外観はインド風、内装は竜や竹のデコレーションが施された中国風の建物です。ビクトリア女王はお気に召さなかったようで19世紀中ごろにBrightonに売られたのですが、そこでは各種イベントや会合に使われ、第一世界大戦の際にはインド兵のための病院としても使われました。日曜は自由に過ごせる時間になり、他のプロジェクトを進めたりするのに使われました。天気も最高で、先週はずっと雨が続く予報でしたが、なんと今は毎日晴れる予報が出ています!ただし、既にここにきて学んでいる通り、天気予報は当てにならないですけれど…!
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