
高校新クラス ケンブリッジ研修 5/16~5/20 ※追加写真あり

DATE : 2018/5/25
POST 4:  Scones in the Country, Fish and Chips by the Seaside!
Two perfect experiences! As we headed into the weekend, the sunny weather continued and the students enjoyed two great U.K. experiences.
After classes on Friday morning, we took a coach to Grantchester, a small village just outside of Cambridge. There, we went to a tea room located in an apple orchard. We all enjoyed scones with jam and clotted cream and some tea. Seating outside under the apple trees and relaxing in the sun was very peaceful. To add to the atmosphere, some students even did a little Shakespeare in the Park.
When we finished at the tea rooms, rather than taking a coach back, we made the pleasant walk along the river and through the fields. It’s a beautiful 45~60 minute walk that ends up in the city centre. From there, we took a couple of photos and students were free for an hour before they returned to their homestays for dinner.
On Saturday, we arrived at Bell School early and got on a coach to Brighton, a seaside town on the south coast of England. After we arrived, we went straight to the Royal Pavilion. This is a rather unique building. It was the home of King George IV. It is decorated with strong Indian and Chinese influences. The dining hall and main hall have dragons everywhere including beautiful chandeliers hanging from dragons` talons.  
After the Pavilion, the students had free time to explore Brighton. Some went to the Lanes and the North Laines, where there are many unique shops. The feeling is a little like Takeshita-dori. Others went to Brighton Pier to the enjoy the amusement centre and some chose to relax on the beach with some fish and chips. It was also the day of the Royal Wedding, so some places had some special deals and were handing out some memorabilia. Some students enjoyed the face masks that were handed out – see the photos.
We finished with a walk around the Sea-Life centre. This is the oldest operating aquarium in the world! The students had fun exploring. There was a little more free-time after that, then time for some photos before we were back on the coach home. 
On Sunday, we had nothing on the schedule so students were free to see Cambridge, go shopping, and work on the video documentaries. Many students took the opportunity to visit Fitzwilliam museum. 
Now, there’s only one week left, and most of the second week will be focused on the group project. On Monday morning, the project will be explained and the groups will be set up. After that, it will be time for students to get creative and start collaborating on their innovative designs.
週末が近づいていますが、天気も良くイギリスならではの素晴らしい時間を過ごしています。金曜の午前の授業が終わるとグランチェスターという小さな村を訪れ、そこではジャムやクロテッドクリームをのせてスコーンを楽しみました。りんごの木の下、日光を浴びてとても穏やかな時間が過ごせました。その後は、川沿いを歩いたりして市内中心部まで一時間弱かけて戻りました。土曜日はベルスクールに早めに集まり、南海岸にある海辺の町、ブライトンに行きました。まずロイヤル・パビリオンに行ったのですが、ここはジョージ4世が住んでいたとてもユニークな建物で、その造りはインドと中国の影響を受けています。ダイニングホールやメインホールはあちこちに竜があしらわれていました。パビリオンの後は自由時間があり、面白そうなお店が並ぶLanes and the North Lainesに向かった人、ブライトン・ピアのアミューズメントセンターに向かった人、ビーチでフィシュアンドチップスを楽しんだ人、様々でした。この日はロイヤルウエディングがあり、配布されたフェイスマスク(写真を見てください)を楽しんでいた人もいました。日曜はそれぞれ、ケンブリッジ市内を見てまわたり、ドキュメンタリー動画の準備をしたりしました。残りの一週間はグループでのプロジェクトに集中的に取り組みます。創造力や協働する力を発揮して頑張ってくれるでしょう。
POST 3:  Lessons, a lecture, and London!
Everyone is getting used to the buses, their homestays, and life in general in the U.K.!
On Wednesday morning, students used their time to think about what they are going to do once they get to the British Museum on Thursday. Before coming to England, the class had a discussion about which London museum they would like to visit. After a little research, I think it was the Rosetta Stone and the Egypt exhibit that made the British Museum the winner.
After finishing their plans for the museum, we all took a walk down to Homerton College to take a lesson on Fluid Dynamics. It was an engaging lecture and the students asked some interesting questions. The lecture was led by a PHD student whose research is being funded by Bill Gates. It was a little challenging at times, but his passion for the subject was clear. After the lecture, there were a few more pictures, then students had free time in Cambridge to explore, shop, or start work on their video documentary.
One student came back to Bell School where they were having a pizza making workshop. I went to check it out and the pizza was wonderful. There are always free activities for students going on in the afternoons at Bell. As well as having some fun and a chance to practice English a little more, it gives them an opportunity to meet some of the other students in the school. 
On Thursday morning, we met up early at Bell School and took a coach to London. The traffic going into and out of London was busy. It may have been a little busier than usual with people preparing for the Royal Wedding this Saturday. We got there and started a walking tour. It was interesting seeing – or not seeing – Big Ben. It was completely covered in scaffolding. The rest of the walk was great though, and the students got to see some of the key sights of London.
The walking tour ended at the British Museum and everyone had a couple of hours to walk around and find the areas that they had planned to visit in the lesson on Wednesday morning. On Friday morning, students will have to give a short presentation on the exhibit they chose. After the museum, we headed back to Covent Garden where we had some free time to look around, shop, and enjoy the street performers. Then we were back in the coach and on our way home.
We are collecting lots of experiences and they will continue Friday and Saturday with a trip to Grantchester for some fresh scones and cream teas, and Brighton to visit an English seaside town with colourful buildings and a famous pier, and of course, some delicious fish and chips!
イギリスでの生活にもだいぶ慣れてきました。水曜の朝には、次の日大英博物館に行ったら何をするのかを検討しました。イングランドに来る前にどの博物館を訪問したいか議論したのですが、ロゼッタストーンとエジプト展が決め手で大英博物館に決まりました。その後Homerton College で流体力学の講義を受けました。難しい内容ではありましたが、講義をしてくださった博士課程の学生の熱意が伝わり素晴らしいものでした。講義の後は自由時間となり、ケンブリッジ市内を探索したり、ドキュメンタリー動画の製作をしたり、またベルスクールに戻ってピザを作るワークショップに参加した生徒もいました。ベルスクールでは毎日午後に無料のアクティビティがあり、楽しみながら英語の練習ができる上、かえつ以外の学生と関わる機会にもなります。木曜日はロンドンに行きました。ビッグベンは建築用の足場で完全に覆われてしまっていましたが、他にもロンドンの名所が色々見れました。最後に大英博物館に行き、計画に沿って見学をしました。金曜の朝には自分たちで選んだ展示について簡単なプレゼンもします。そして金曜と土曜には、グランチェスターやブライトンを訪れる予定です。
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