
Cambridge March 2024 【Post 1】

DATE : 2024/3/12

Blog Post 1: Arrival, Cambridge, and starting Bell School

It’s wonderful to run the Cambridge trip again this March. We hope to keep you updated through these blog posts.


Day 1: Flights / Arrival

This year, students took a night flight. They had a rather challenging schedule. Everyone had their final day of exams in the morning, went home, picked up their suitcases, and we met at the airport at 10 pm. A huge thank you goes to one of the parents for mentioning that we could use the JAL Sakura Lounge for the night flight. We all headed there and ate and relaxed until our 1 am flight. The Sakura lounge is available so you can eat before you get on the plane. Once on the plane, all the lights went out straight away. This was actually perfect. Personally, I fell asleep and woke up 10 hours later with only four hours left of the flight. In London, everything was smooth, and we got to Cambridge by 9 am. Students met their homestay families and then took a walk to Bell School. We ate some lunch, visited the local leisure park, then it was time to go back home, dinner, talk, relax, and the end of the first day.


Day 2: Cambridge City Centre

After experiencing beautiful sunshine on the first day, today, students got to experience some ‘real’ UK weather. It rained the whole day, but we still got to do everything we planned. Students were tasked with getting to King’s College by themselves. Once together, we separated the students into three groups, and they walked about Cambridge searching for landmarks and taking photos. It seems that the weather didn’t help, as some groups did get lost a few times. Students then had free time to explore and eat lunch before we visited the Fitzwilliam Museum. I gave everyone the task of finding their favorite piece of art and sharing their reasons with the group. After this, there was a little more free time, then back home for dinner. Everyone enjoyed themselves despite the weather, and some even bought a few souvenirs. The end of the day advice was to get some sleep because tomorrow – we start at Bell School.


Day 3: The First Day at Bell

Today, students started the day with a language test. There was writing, reading (and grammar), and an interview. While the tests were being checked, there was a quick orientation and a tour of the school. After this… The first lessons! After the first lesson, students came out to the cafeteria with a look of shock. It is easy to tell them that other students will talk a lot, fast, and in different accents – but it is a different thing to experience it. This is usually the reaction for the first few days. Once students relax and get used to the environment, they settle in more and feel more confident to talk, make mistakes, and focus on communication. 


It’s only been three days, but there’s so much more to look forward to over the coming weeks! We’ll keep you updated. 


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