
在校生による新ブログ【Idea Canvas】1

DATE : 2020/10/8






「わざわざ書くまでもないような些細なことを ううん わざわざ書いておかないと あとあと喉元過ぎて忘れてしまうだろうから」白井明大の詩に私達はとても共感した。自分が日々思っていることを文章という形にすることで周りにも共有され、課題意識というものが浸透すると思う。ここでは多くの価値観が存在する環境を目指し、フィードバックを通して多くの人と共に課題の根本的解決を目標とする。














‘The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress.’ -Joseph Joubert

This is a platform for the various opinions that young people have. A place for opinions to be shared, and discussions to be had. The starting point for dialogue. Through feedback and constructive criticism, we aim to learn how to problem solve, refine our thinking, and expand our worldview.


As a second-year student, going into my third year of high school with classmates I have known well, some for more than 4 years, I was slightly unnerved by the prospect of online learning. It seemed so… impersonal. And it was. Although my teachers and all of the students did our best to create an environment similar to what we were used to, there was something lacking. It struck me then, how important the physical classroom was. Just being around people of the same age, the ambient noises, the small talk, the chatter, the squeaking of chair, and the simple atmosphere… all lost in the jump to Zoom. When I talked to my father, who was also working from home, he felt similarly. Yes, telework was ‘efficient’, but it was also much more tiring, much less human. Transfer of information was just that. No pleasantries, handshakes, exchange of business cards that usually accompanies meeting someone for the first time. Just information, bare, and simple. And to think that I am definitely one of the luckier members of society. Even within our own school, students just entering middle school, newcomers to high school, they all had to go through a first term online. Meeting completely new classmates, getting used to a new school, a new level of learning…. all online. Making friends in a situation like that? I shudder to think of myself in such a situation. And then there is more. The students one grade above myself, many who had to graduate with no ceremony, no pomp and circus, to go on to university… with no ceremony, and a wholly online first year. And once again, I stress. These are the lucky ones. Because not all of us are as fortunate to go to school where the switch to online learning was as easy as it was here at Kaetsu… which I’m sure, was not easy at all. Lower income families, with less access to powerful computers and high-speed internet, children who rely on school lunches as a prominent part of their daily diet, and so much more. Now, in October, as the coronavirus seems to have become a part of daily life, we cannot forget the lessons it taught us, the cracks it revealed in our society. The sluggish reactions of our government, the back and forth on policy, and more. Even though Japan is one of the most mask wearing countries in the world, since before the pandemic, our cases have plateaued at around 500, daily. This is unacceptable, for a country hoping to host the Olympics, especially when compared to neighboring countries. 2020 was supposed to be a shining year for Tokyo, for all of Japan, with the Olympics, the ability to show off our country. Hopefully, if the Olympics do take place next year, we can show off a country who has learned from its mistakes, has the pandemic under control, and is diverse, welcoming, and something we all can be proud of.

2020 has been a hectic, chaotic year. What have you learned? Do you have anything to say about the coronavirus, and how it affected you? If so, please let us know! We would appreciate any comments and feedback, suggestions, constructive criticism, topic suggestions, and so much more! Please comment or DM us on Twitter @the_idea_canvas.

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