
在校生による新ブログ【Idea Canvas】6

DATE : 2020/11/16












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Russia says its Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine is 92% effective




COVID-19 and its lasting legacy


The pandemic that started December of last year has yet to abate, and it looks like a life free from the virus is a long way away. With the ‘anniversary’ of the inaugural coronavirus case nearing, I want to take a look at how this pandemic has affected us as students, and how it will continue to do so in the future.


In education. In my case, Google Classroom had already been integrated as part of our learning system before the pandemic, however, I almost never used it. Flash forward a year or so, and most, if not all of my assignments are both assigned and submitted on Google Classroom. On the crowded rush hour trains that my peers and I use to commute to school, as well as inside every building and classroom, masks are a must; temperature monitors and alcohol dispensers are everywhere. Around my desk sits a small wall of clear plastic, protecting me from my peers. A lot of these changes look like they are here to stay.


Many of these observations are limited in their scope, to what a high school student can see or feel in their daily life. But the larger effects of COVID-19 will continue. Inequality, whether based on race, gender or wealth will rise. The gap between those who have and those who don’t will open. The slowed economy and gap in learning could create another ‘lost generation’.


I can’t fathom the scale of this pandemic. More than 51 million confirmed cases, more than 1.2 million confirmed deaths. It’s absolutely mindboggling. It’s been nearly a year since the pandemic started. I can remember joking around with friends, wondering if we might get ‘lucky’, and be able to snag a few days of vacation. Within a week, we had been ordered home, finals canceled, and would spend the next 4 months without setting foot inside school again.


In recent days, the number of new daily cases in Japan has slowly risen. Tokyo’s totals, once seemingly plateauing at around 200 cases is stretching to reach 300, daily. The northernmost island of Hokkaido, reporting just 16 cases on the 30th of September has seen an exponential rise in cases, over 100 for more than 5 days (at the time of writing, 11/11/2020). Perhaps it is the cold of winter, weakening immune systems, and leaving us vulnerable to the coronavirus.


It is not only Japan that has seen a rise in cases. The United States, amidst a presidential transition continues to break records: in daily new cases, total cases and more. Europe is suffering, with France, Spain and more nearly equal to the United States in cases per million people. (https://covid19.who.int/) Is there an end in sight?


There is some good news. Recently, one of the world’s largest biopharmaceutical companies, Pfizer, announced that they had managed to create a vaccine with 90% effectivity. This is an undoubtably large step in the race to find a vaccine. However, COVID-19 has already wrought havoc. While some major economies have started to pick up, there are many challenges ahead, as well as some industries that face much worse than others. Indeed, earlier this month, All Nippon Airways, Japan’s largest airline, reported an

estimated record net loss in the region of 510 billion yen in the current business year, their largest loss ever. As the number of cases spreads, and lockdowns resume in countries all around the world, the situation for small businesses, especially restaurants, grows untenable.


The first term of my senior year, spent entirely at home, using cameras and microphones to recreate a classroom environment. My last year in high school, here at Kaetsu, and it flew by in a blur. Days of being at home melted days into weeks, weeks into months, and the time seemed to vanish before my eyes. It didn’t feel real. The realization that I’m about to take a huge step forward hasn’t really set in yet. I feel unready, uncertain, simply unprepared for the things that lie ahead. COVID, of course, is not entirely to blame. But the lack of a proper school environment certainly made the time pass quickly, as well as rob me of time my classmates, some of whom I may never see again.


What changes has COVID-19 brought to your life? The lives of those around you? What worries, emotions have the pandemic uncovered inside of you? We want to hear from you. Message us, comment, or give us feedback at https://twitter.com/the_idea_canvas



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