
【高校新クラスの日常】第50号 水曜日の進路ガイダンス!

DATE : 2022/6/18

Hello everyone☺


Starting from the 50th blog, some of our Honors/Advanced class students will be writing English articles! Please look forward to them 🙂


Honors/Advanced English class students are for returnee students, who have either lived overseas in the past or those who have graduated from an international school. 

Honors/Advanced students have the advantage to receive both English and philosophy classes from native-English speaking teachers. 




Today’s topic is about the career guidance seminar held last Wednesday for our first year high school students.

【A picture of our students gathered in the cafeteria for the seminar】


For our first year high school students, the time to think about our careers after high school has arrived. To help those who are struggling to find a passion for their future, we invited Benesse group career advisory to talk to our students about getting ready for university😇


On this day, each of our students filled out a worksheet, where we listed all of our hobbies and picked one we wanted to focus on. Next, we expanded our hobbies into future jobs and tried to connect them to different majors at a university.

【An example of a student’s completed  worksheet】


Here are some of our first year’s feedback on the seminar😁


Q. What are some of your thoughts, reviews, feelings about the seminar? 


A  It was great that I got to connect my favorite hobbies into actual jobs.

 I got to think about how it’s not just about going to university, but about the reason why you’re going to university. 

 It was a good opportunity for me to think deeply about my futureーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

That will be all for this week’s English article! I hope that you have enjoyed this week’s article and please look forward to the next one 🙂  


Thank you for reading 💌








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